Rusyn artists from Ukraine

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Anton Kashshai

On the web: Anton Kashshai

Fedor Manaylo

On the web: Fedor Manaylo

Larisa Brovdi

On the web: Larisa Brovdi

Ivan Brovdi

On the web: Ivan Brovdi

Bela Erdelyi

On the web: Bela Erdelyi

Andriy Kotska

On the web: Andriy Kotska

Iosyf Bokshai

On the web: Iosyf Bokshai

Anatoly Brenzovich

On the web: Anatoly Brenzovich

Vasily Brenzovich

On the web: Vasily Brenzovich

Volodymyr Pavlyshyn

On the web: Volodymyr Pavlyshyn

Ivan Shutyev

On the web: Ivan Shutyev

Vasil Kupetskiy

On the web: Vasil Kupetskiy

Mykhaylo Barabash

On the web: Mykhaylo Barabash

Zoryana Bazylevych

On the web: Zoryana Bazylevych

Emil Hrabovskyi

On the web: Emil Hrabovskyi