A curious story, a rare find

Some time ago I was contacted by Maria from Sweden who shared with me a beautiful painting she has in her living room. Let me show you. It’s this one.

Courtesy of Maria H.

Do you know who the artist is? That’s right! Vladimir Koljesar! Here is what Maria told me about this stunning piece that she loves so much, painted in 1966 directly on a glass pane, 150 by 97 cm. It changes colors all the time, the sun is painted in gold and all the grey areas are silver. The scene represents a future fantasy vision of the city of Gävle, Sweden, where the artist worked in a pottery factory Bo Fajans, There are explanations and some prep work on the back side of the painting, together with an old spelling of the city’s name – Gefle.

“I searched for information about Mr Kolesar some years ago and one woman answered and told me that she knew the painting I was talking about.

The painting had been on a wall in a cafe in Gävle owned by a man from former Yugoslavia. She thought Vladimir had given it to the owner to pay off an old debt. Mr Kolesar was renting a room and stayed in her family’s house. Her daughter also has a painting from him. He gave it to her when she was graduating from high school.

He was disappointed with the pottery in Gävle where he was hired as an artist, but did not get a change to work as one. He was more of a pottery worker. That’s why he left Gävle.

This is the story she told me. I hope you enjoy it.”

2 thoughts on “A curious story, a rare find

  1. Very interesting! Thank you for bringing this rare find to the attention of our Rusyn community.
    In a world where even intelligent educated people mistake us for “Ukrainian,” it is vitally important to save cultural markers snd milestones.

  2. Thank you, Ron, for your kind words and for taking time to comment. I believe, too, that should preserve our identity and call it like it is.

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